

Contact us by phone at Stosa info line 199.314.800 or if you prefer, write us at OR fill the form below

Contact us by phone at Stosa info line 199.314.800 or if you prefer, write us at OR fill the form below

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Stosa S.p.a.

Establishment, administrative offices and postal address:
S.S. Cassia Km. 149,5 – 53040 Radicofani (SI) Italia

Tel +39 0578 5711
Fax +39 0578 50088 – Italy
Fax +39 0578 50085 – Abroad

Social Networks:

facebook / stosacucine
instagram / stosacucine_official/
youtube / StosaOfficialTube
linkedin / company / 3054914
houzz / stosa-cucine
